Hidekatsu Yamazaki(山崎秀勝)




1980 1984    Ph.D., Texas A&M University              Major: Ocean Engineering

1977-1979    M. Tech., Tokai University, Japan        Major: Ocean Engineering

1973 1977    B.E., Tokai University, Japan               Major: Ocean Civil Engineering


Professional Experience:

2020-present          Distinguished Professor, College of Marine Ecology and Environment,Shanghai Ocean University

2020-present          Senior Fellow, Alpha Hydraulic Engineering Consultants Co. Ltd.

2020-present          Emeritus Professor, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

2004-2020             Professor, Department of Ocean Sciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

2004-present          Visiting Professor, Ocean University of China.

2003-2004              Associate Professor, Department of Ocean Sciences, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.

1996-2003              Associate Professor, Department of Ocean Sciences, Tokyo University of Fisheries

1997-present          Guest Investigator, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

1993-1996             Associate Professor, Department of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Fisheries

1991-present        Adjunct Professor, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria

1991-1993             Visiting Associate Professor, Center for Great Lake Studies, University of Wisconsin

1986 1991             Assistant Research Scientist, Chesapeake Bay Institute, Johns Hopkins University

1990                     Visiting Scientist, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University.

1987                     Visiting Scholar, Center for Turbulence Research, Mechanical Engineering,Stanford University.

1984-1986             Adjunct Research Professor, Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate school.

Research goal:

To understand the physical conditions surrounding life early in the earth’s history, I am investigating the physical environments around planktonic organisms.

Research interests:

My research interests focus on examining the physical environment of phytoplankton and zooplankton from two different angles: 1) The effect of the physical environment at the individual planktonic scale (turbulence, diffusion, etc.) on the ecology and distribution of plankton. 2) The relationship between the physical environment and turbulence and other phenomena (internal waves, ocean currents, etc.). In addition, I am investigating the relationship between the distribution of larger organisms, such as fish, and the physical environment.

Awards and Honors

American Engineering Honors Society ΤΒП(Tau Beta Pi) member (1983-)

Marquis Who’s Who in the World (1996)

Editorial member

Aquatic Biology (Contributing Editor, 2008-)

Journal of Marine System (Editorial Board;2001-)

The Open Oceanography Journal (Editorial Advisory Board, 2007-)

Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environment (Associate Editor, 2010-2014)

Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, Third Edition, Elsevier, (Section editor, 2017-2019)

Limnology (Associate Editor, 2014-)


J. Physical Oceanography, J. Geophysical Oceanography, Plos One, Ocean Science, Deep Sea Res.,

Science of the Total Environment, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Marine Ecology Progress Series,

J. Theoretical Biology, J. Plankton Res., Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Continental Shelf Res.,

Limnology and Oceanography: Method, Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environment,

Limnology and Oceanography, J. Marine Systems, J. Marine Research, African J. Mar. Sci.,

Aquatic Biology, Marine Geodesy, J. Oceanography, Ecological Modelling, J. Turbulence,

Integrative and Comparative Biology, JSPS (JAPAN), National Science Foundation (USA),

NSERC (Canada), NOAA (USA), Schmidt Ocean Institute (USA)


Publications in Refereed Journal (2010~):

1.       Yamazaki, H., H. Honma, T. Nagai, M. Doubell, K. Amakasu and M. Kumagai 2010: Multilayer biological structure and mixing in the upper water column of Lake Biwa during summer 2008, Limnol. 11(l), doi:10,1007/S10201-009-0288-2,63-70.*

2.       deYoung, B., F. Werner, H. Batchelder, F. Carlotti, Ø. Fiksen, E. Hofmann, S. Kim and H. Yamazaki 2010: Physical-biological interactions: integration and modeling.  In Marine Ecosystems and Climate Change, (eds) M.Barange, J.Field, R.Harris, E.Hofmann, R.Perry, and F.Werner, Oxford University Press, 89-128.

3.       Arima, M., H. Nakamura and H. Yamazaki 2010: “Development of the Glider-type Turbulence Ocean microstructures Acquisition Profiler, TurboMAP-G”, Procs. of the twentieth, International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2010), CD-ROM, (2010.06).

4.       Prairie J.C., P.J.S. Franks, J.S. Jaffe, M.J. Doubell and H.Yamazaki 2011: Physical and biological controls of vertical gradients in phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Enviroments, 1, 75-90, doi 10.1215/21573698-1267403.

5.       Nagai, T., A. Tandon, H. Yamazaki, M. Doubell and S. Gallager 2012: Direct observations of microscale turbulence and thermohaline structure in the Kuroshio front. J. Geophys. Res., 117, C08013, DOI: 10.1029/2011JC007228.

6.       Yamazaki, H. and T. Nagai 2012: Turbulence and mixing、In: Global warming and limnology (Eds.) T. Nagata, M. Kumagai & H. Yoshiyama, Kyoto University Press. 74-87, (in Japanese).

7.       Auger, G., H.Yamazaki, T.Nagai, C.Jiao and M.Kumagai 2013:Hypolimnetic turbulence generation associated with superposition of large-scale internal waves in a strongly stratified lake: Lake Biwa, Japan, Limnology, 14: 229-238 DOI 10.1007/s10201-013-0401-4.*

8.       Kokubu, Y., H. Yamazaki, T. Nagai and E. Gross 2013: Mixing observations at a constricted channel of a semi-closed estuary: Tokyo bay, Continental Shelf Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/jsr.2013.09.004.*

9.       Masunaga, E. and H.Yamazaki 2014:  A new tow-yo instrument to observe high-resolution coastal phenomena. J. Mar. Sys., 129, 425-436, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.09.005*

10.   Raine, R., E. Berdalet, M. McManus and H.Yamazaki 2014: Preface Harmful algal blooms in stratified systems, Deep-Sea Res. II, 101, 1-3, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.01.005

11.   Berdalet, E., M.A. McManus, O.N. Ross, H. Burchard, F.P. Chavez, J.S. Jaffe, I.R. Jenkinson, R. Kudela, I. Lips, U. Lips, A. Lucas, D. Rivas, M.C. Ruiz-de la Torre, J. Ryan, J.M. Sullivan and H. Yamazaki 2014: Understanding harmful algae in stratified systems: Review of progress and future directions, Deep-Sea Res. II, 101, 4-20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.042

12.   Doubell,M., J.C. Prairie and H.Yamazaki 2014: Millimeter scale profiles of chlorophyll fluorescence: Deciphering the microscale spatial structure of phytoplankton, Deep-Sea Res. II, 101, 207-215, http://dx.doi..org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.12.009.*

13.   Yamazaki, H., C. Locke, L. Umlauf, H. Burchard, T. Ishimaru and D. Kamykowski 2014: A Lagrangian model for phototaxis-induced thin layer formation, Deep-Sea Res. II, 101, 193-206, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.12.010.*

14.   Mandal, S., C. Locke, M. Tanaka and H.Yamazaki 2014: Observations and models of highly intermittent phytoplankton distributions, Plos One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094797*

15.   Foloni-Neto, H., R. Lueck, Y. Mabuchi, H. Nakamura, M. Arima and H. Yamazaki 2014: A new quasi-horizontal glider to measure biophysical microstructure, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31(10), 2278-2293*

16.   Masunaga, E., O. Flinger and H. Yamazaki 2015: An observational and numerical study of river plume dynamics in Otsuchi Bay, Japan, J. Oceanogr., doi: 10.1007/s10872-015-0324-2.*

17.   Foloni-Neto, H., M. Tanaka, H. Joshima and H.Yamazaki 2015: A comparison between quasi-horizontal and vertical observations of phytoplankton microstructure, J. Plankton Res., doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbv075*

18.   Masunaga, E., H. Honmma, H.Yamazaki, O. Fringer, T. Nagai, Y.Kitade and A.Okayasu 2015: Mixing and sediment resuspension associated with internal bores in a shallow bay, Continental Shelf Research, 110, 85-99. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2015.09.022

19.   Masunaga, E., O.B. Fringer, H.Yamazaki and A. Amakasu 2016: Strong turbulent mixing induced by internal bores interacting with internal tide-driven vertically sheared flow, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 2094-2101, doi:10.1002/2016GL067812*

20.   Yamazaki, H. and L. Smith 2016: Introduction to the themed section: advances in plankton modelling and biodiversity evaluation, J. Plankton Res., 38, 944-945.

21.   Mandal, S., H.Homma, A. Priyadarshi, H. Burchard, S.L. Smith, K.W. Wiritz and H. Yamazaki 2016: A 1D physical-biological model of the impact of highly intermittent phytoplankton distributeons, J. Plankton Res., doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbw019.*

22.   Yamazaki, H., E. Masunaga, H. Foloni-Neto and S. Gallager 2016: Development of monitoring technologies to observe plankton ecosystem in coastal oceans, Bull. Coastal Oceanogr., 53(2) 159-163. (in Japanese with English abstract).*

23.   Homma, H., T.Nagai, K. Shimizu and H. Yamazaki 2016: Early-winter mixing event associated with baroclinic motions in weakly stratified Lake Biwa. Inland Water, 6, 364-378.  doi: 10.5268/IW-6.3.898.*

24.   Uchiyama, Y., Y. Suzue and H. Yamazaki 2016: Biogeochemical responses to mesoscale oceanic variability in the Kuroshio region analyzed with a ROMS-NPZD model, J-Stage, 72, 3, I_1369-1374, doi:10.2208/kaigan.72.I_136. (in Japanese with English abstract).

25.   Priyadarshi, A., S. Mandal, L. Smith and H.Yamazaki 2017: Micro-scale variability enhances trophic transfer and potentially sustains biodiversity in plankton ecosystems, J. Theoretical Biology, 412, 86-93.*

26.   Berdalet, E., M. Montresor, B. Reguera, S. Roy, H. Yamazaki, A. Cembella, and R. Raine 2017: Harmful algal blooms in fjords, coastal embayments, and stratified systems: Recent progress and future research. Oceanography  30(1):46–57, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2017.109.

27.   Masunaga, E., R. Arthur, O. Fringer and H.Yamazaki 2017:  Sediment resuspension and the generation of intermediate nepheloid layers by shoaling internal bores, J. Mar. Sys., 170, 31-41.

28.   Tanaka, M., T. Nagai, T. Okada and H. Yamazaki 2017: Measurement of sardine-generated turbulence in a large tank. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 571, 207-220.  doi: 10.3354/meps12098.*

29.   Uchiyama, Y., Y. Suzue and H. Yamazaki 2017: Eddy-driven nutrient transport and associated upper-ocean primary production along the Kuroshio. J. Geophys. Res. doi: 10.1002/2017JC012847.

30.   Masunaga, E., O. Fringer, Y. Kitade, H. Yamazaki and S. Gallager 2017: Dynamics and energetics of trapped diurnal internal Kelvin waves around a mid-latitude island. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47, 2479-2498. DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-16-0167.1*

31.   Uchiyama, Y., R. Kanki, A. Takano, H. Yamazaki and Y. Miyazawa 2017: Mesoscale reproducibility in regional ocean modeling with a 3-D stratification estimate based on AVISO-Argo data. Atmosphere-Ocean. DOI:10.1080/07055900.2017.1399858.

32.   Masunaga, E., Y. Suzue, Y. Uchiyama and H. Yamazaki 2017: A study of flow field influenced by internal tides and the Kuroshio around the Izu-chain islands, J-stage, 73, 2, I_451-456, https://doi.org/10.2208/kaigan.73.I_451. (in Japanese with English abstract).

33.   Suzue, Y., Y. Uchiyama and H. Yamazaki 2017: Biogeochemical responses to seasonal oceanic variability around the Kuroshio analyzed using a ROMS-NPZD model, J-stage, 73, 2, I_457-462,https://doi.org/10.2208/kaigan.73.I_457. (in Japanese with English abstract).

34.   Sasmal, K., E. Masunaga, A. Webb, O. Fringer, E. Gross, M. Rayson and H. Yamazaki 2018: A three-dimensional numerical study of river plume mixing processes in Otsuchi Bay, Japan.J. Oceanogr., 74, 169-186. doi: 10.1007/s10872-017-0446-9.*

35.   Masunaga, E., Y. Uchiyama, Y. Suzue and H. Yamazaki 2018: Dynamics of internal tides over a shallow ridge investigated with a high-resolution downscale regional ocean model, Geophysical Research Letters, 45,https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL076916 .

36.   Boss, E., A, Waite, F. Muller-Karger, H. Yamazaki, R. Wanninkhof, J. Uitz, S. Thomalla, H. Sosik, B. Sloyan, A. Richardson, P. Miloslavich, J. Karstensen, G. Grégori, K. Fennel, H. Claustre, M. Cornejo, I. Berman-Frank, S. Batten, and S. Acinas 2018: Beyond chlorophyll fluorescence: the time is right to expand biological measurements in ocean observing programs. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, Article ID: LOB10243,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lob.10243.

37.   Raine, R., E. Berdalet, H. Yamazaki, I. Jenkinson and B. Reguera 2018: Key questions and recent research advances on harmful algal blooms in stratified systems, Chapter 9, In Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms, Ecological Studies 232, (eds.) P.M. Glibert et al. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70069-4_9 165-186.

38.   Smith, S.L., S. Mandal, A. Priyadarshi, B. Chen and H. Yamazaki 2019: Modeling the combined effects of physiological flexibility and micro-scale variability for plankton ecosystem dynamics, Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, Third Edition, (eds) H.K. Cochran, H.J. Bokuniewicz and P.L. Yager, Elsevier, Vol.5, 527-535. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.10955-8

39.   Nagai, T., G. Augur, H. Burchard, K. Denman and H. Yamazaki 2019: One-dimensional mixed layer models, Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, Third Edition, (eds) H.K. Cochran, H.J. Bokuniewicz and P.L. Yager, Elsevier, vol. 5, 561-570. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11623-9.

40.   Yamazaki, H., W. Aoyama, E. Masunaga and M. Tanaka 2019: Observation of three-dimensional flow around fish cages using a towed ADCP and free-fall multi-parameter profiler. Aquaculture Research, 50, 1107-1116 DOI: 10.1111/are.13985.

41.   Locke, C., L. Seuront and H. Yamazaki, 2019: A correction and discussion on Log-Normal intermittency B-model. Fluid, doi:10.3390/fluidsxx010005.

42.   Mandal, S., S. Lan Smith, A. Priyadarshi and H. Yamazaki, 2019: Micro-scale variability impacts the outcome of competition between different modelled size classes of phytoplankton. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6:259, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00259*.

43.   Takeuchi, M., M.J. Doubell, G. Jackson, M. Yukawa, Y. Sagara and H. Yamazaki, 2019: Turbulence mediates marine aggregate formation and destruction in the upper ocean. Scientific Report 9, 16280 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-52470-5*.

44.   Priyadarshi, A., S. Lan Smith, S. Mandal, M. Tanaka and H.Yamazaki, 2019: Micro-scale patchiness enhances trophic transfer efficiency and potential plankton biodiversity. Scientific Report, 9:17243 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-53592-6*.

45.   Masunaga, E., Y. Uchiyama and H.Yamazaki, 2019: Strong internal tides generated by the interaction of the Kuroshio Current and tides over shallow ridge. J. Physical Oceanography, 49, 2917-2934,  DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0238.1.

46.   Tanaka, M., A. Genin, R.M. Lopes, J.R. Stricker and H.Yamazaki, 2019 Biased measurements by stationary turbidity-fluorescence instruments due to phototactic zooplankton behavior. Limnology and Oceanography: Method, 17, 505-513, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10328*.

47.   Masunaga, E., R.S. Arthur and H.Yamazaki, 2020: Baroclinic residual circulation and mass transport due to internal tides. J. Geophysical Research: Ocean, 125, e2019JC015316. doi.org/10.1029/2019JC015316.

48.   Tanaka, M., A. Genin, Y. Endo, G.N. Ivey and H.Yamazaki, 2020: Modulation of demersal zooplankton migration by turbulence: evidence from the North Pacific and the Red Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, DOI: 10.1002/lno.11646 (in press)*

49.   Chen, B., E. Masunaga, S.L. Smith and H.Yamazaki, 2020: Effect of diel migration on zooplankton dispersion and patchiness. J. Oceanogr., doi.org/10.1007/s10872-020-00564-4.

*: HY is the corresponding author



1. Depth distribution prediction method for predetermined water temperature zone, fisheries prediction method for migratory fish, and fishery prediction information delivery system for migratory fish

Domestic: 2005-092593

International: PCT/JP2006/306126

2.Laser fluorescence sensor for high resolution of phytoplankton distribution

Domestic: 2005-09726

International: PCT/JP2006/305142

Professional Memberships:

American Geophysical Union, American Meteorological Society, The Oceanographic Society of Japan

Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography, The Japanese Society of Limnology  


Contact information:

Distinguished Professor

College of Marine Ecology and Environment

Shanghai Ocean University

Shanghai, China

Email: hide@shou.edu.cn


Emeritus Professor

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Tokyo, JAPAN

Email: hide@kaiyodai.ac.jp