


主讲人:华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室 吴辉 研究员

报告时间:2021年4月23日 下午 13:00-14:30





Large rivers, such as the Amazon, Mississippi, and Changjiang, export tremendous terrestrial materials into the adjacent water body. Expansion of the riverine water, i.e., the river plume, affects the physical properties and nutrients compositions in the receiving waterbodies. Conventional wisdoms have successfully addressed the fundamental dynamic processes of a river plume in a non-tidal coastal water body. Yet, due to the theoretical difficulty, river plume extension in a tidal coastal water, which is more realistic, remains poorly explored. In addition, on the continental shelf, river plume also interacts strongly with ambient shelf circulation, since the former changes the density structure of shelf sea thus the circulation over there. Here in this talk I will present our series of works on the Changjiang River plume extension and shelf circulation in the energetic Yellow and East China Seas, including the fundamental characteristics of the Changjiang River plume, new methods dealing with numerical and observational issues, new understandings on the fate of Changjiang-derived materials, and new mechanisms driving/modulating the shelf circulation. Then, I will introduce our recent observational and modeling efforts on ecological processes, which attempted to link the intrinsic river plume dynamics to the harmful algal blooming and hypoxia around the estuary.
