赵雪琴,女,博士,海洋科学与生态环境学院副研究员,上海市青年东方学者。主要利用微体古生物学和有机地球化学等方法开展古海洋学、古植被学和古气候学研究。目前在Quaternary Science Reviews, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, The Holocene, Quaternary International等刊物发表文章15篇。
2024.01-至今 副硏究员, 上海海洋大学海洋科学与生态环境学院/深渊科学技术研究中心
2022.06-2024.01 副硏究员, 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院/深渊科学技术研究中心
2017.06-2020.10 德国不来梅大学(MARUM海洋环境和科学研究所)博士后
2013.09-2017.05 德国不来梅大学,海洋地质学专业,博士
2010.09-2013.07 北京大学,第四纪地质学专业,硕士
2006.09-2010.07 南京大学,地理科学专业,学士
Frontiers in Marine Science 评审
1)X. Zhao*, X. Lu, M. Meadows; L. Dupont, L. Mao; Y. Xu, H. Ge, M. Zabel. 2024. Biome variability in southernmost Africa since the last deglaciation recorded in marine sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2024, 343, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108912
2) L. Dupont, X. Zhao, C. Charles, JT. Faith, D. Braun. 2022. Continous vegetation record of the Greater Cape Floristic Region (South Africa) covering the past 300 000 years. Climate of the past, 18, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-18-1-2022
3) X. Zhao*, L. Dupont, M. Kölling, A. Baqloul, H. Reddad, I. Bouimetarhan. 2022. Evidence for anthropogenic, climatic and oceanographic variability off southwestern Morocco during the last three millennia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 585, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110723
4) A. Baqloul, E. Schefuß, M. Kölling, L. Dupont, J. Groeneveld, X. Zhao, H. Reddad, L. Bouchaou, I. Bouimetarhan. 2021. Climate and land-use effects on hydrological and vegetation signals during the last three millennia: Evidence from sedimentary leaf waxes in southwestern Morocco. The Holocene, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683620988053
5) X. Zhao*, A. Koutsodendris, T. Caley, L. Dupont. 2020. Hydroclimate change in subtropical South Africa during the mid-Piacenzian Warm Period. Quaternary Science Reviews, 249, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106643
6) X. Zhao*, L. Dupont, R. Cheddadii, M. Kölling, H. Reddad, J. Groeneveld, FZ. Ain-Lhout, I. Bouimetarhan. 2019. Recent climatic and anthropogenic impacts on endemic species in southwestern Morocco. Quaternary Science Reviews, 221, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.105889
7) X. Zhao*, L. Dupont, E. Schefuß, G. Robyn, G. Wefer. 2018. Late Holocene oceanic variability in the southern Benguela region driven by interplay of upwelling, fluvial and Agulhas leakage. The Holocene, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683618810396
8) X. Zhao*, L. Dupont, E. Schefuß, I. Bouimetarhan, G. Wefer. 2017. Palynological evidence for Holocene climatic and oceanographic changes off western South Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews, 165: 88-101
9) X. Zhao*, L. Dupont, E. Schefuß, ME. Meadows, A. Hahn, G. Wefer. 2016. Holocene vegetation and climate variability in the winter and summer rainfall zones of South Africa. The Holocene, 26(6): 843-857
10) X. Zhao*, L. Dupont, M. Meadows, G. Wefer. 2016. Pollen distribution in the marine surface sediments of the mudbelt along the west coast of South Africa. Quaternary International, 404: 44-56
11) Y. Li, AB. Nielsen, X. Zhao, L. Shan, S. Wang, J. Wu, L. Zhou, 2015. Pollen production estimates (PPEs) and fall speeds for major tree taxa and relevant source areas of pollen (RSAP) in Changbai Mountain, northeastern China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 216: 92-100