


薛俊增,博士,上海海洋大学海洋科学与生态环境学院教授,博士生导师。1997年毕业于华东师范大学,获博士学位,中国科学院水生生物研究所博士后,清华大学、中国科学院水生生物研究所、Florida Institute of Technology 访问学者, 上海市海洋生态环境保护专家组成员。曾入选 杭州市跨世纪优秀中青年科技人才、杭州市新世纪131优秀中青年科技人才、浙江省新世纪151人才工程培养人选。先后主持和参与国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目、工信部专项、上海市科技计划项目以及地方和企业研发项目等各类科研项目40余项。近期主要从事长江口及邻近海域潮间带生态学、水生外来生物入侵机制及防控技术研究,于国内外发表学术论文近200篇,获专利授权40余项,获上海市科学技术奖、上海浦东科学技术奖、中国产学研创新成果奖和上海市水务海洋科学技术奖等各类奖项10余项。曾任海洋工程装备船舶压载水检测试验室(国家工程实验室)、上海海洋大学船舶压载水检测实验室(CNAS、ILAC)和上海海洋大学水生态环境中心(CMA)主任。近年主要从事水生外来生物入侵机制、风险评估和防控技术以及潮间带生态等方面的研究。主讲硕、博士研究生和本科生课程多门。


1.口岸交通工具及压载水病原微生物处置技术研究,国家重点研发计划课题, 2022YFC2302805,2022-2025

2. 船舶压载水管理系统实船符合性验证研究,工信部船舶高技术科技项目专题,工信部装函(2019)360 号,2019-2022

3. 上海港口及近海生态环境科技服务平台,上海市科委科研计划项目,2019-2022

4. 船舶压载水快速处置技术体系研究与应用示范,上海市科委科技重大项目,17DZ1202905, 2017-2019

5. 上海海域生物多样性编目,上海海洋局项目,沪海科2017-06, 2017-2018

6. 浦东机场围垦邻近水域生态监测与修复, 上海市水产办/上海市恒祥造地公司,2015-2019

7. 我国典型海域外来海洋生物入侵风险评估技术集成与辅助决策技术研究(海洋入侵种传播机制与生态影响研究), 国家海洋公益项目,2013418027,2013-2016

8. 洋山深水港海洋环境监测和评价体系的构建及应用, 上海市科委海洋科技临港专项,10dz1210902, 2010-2012

9. 浮游动物对大型深水水体温度垂直分布的生态响应,  上海市教委项目,09YZ, 2782009-2011

10. 长江口海域赤潮机理和相关入侵藻类识别与风险评估技术研究专题四:长江口海域主要潜在外来藻类的生态适应机制研究, 上海市科委“长三角联合攻关”项目,062358101, 2007-2008

11. 三峡水库主要支流库湾浮游动物对水库水利调度和库湾水动力过程的生态响应, 国家自然科学基金:,30570295, 2006-2008


Ling Yuan, Yangyang Lin, Junzeng Xue, Huixian Wu*. Design and validation of a sampling skid device for collecting aquatic organisms[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2024, 204: 116503.

Yan Zhang, Wei Feng,Yating Chen,Junzeng Xue, Huixian Wu*. Comparative Study on Phytoplankton Treatment Effectiveness of the Ballast Water Management System with Four Different Processes[J]. Water, 2024, 16(15): 2098.

Chenyang Duan, Lei Hu, Xiangbin Lin, Junzeng Xue, Jin Zou, Huixian Wu*. Impacts of salinity stress induced by ballast water discharge on the ecosystem of shanghai port, China[J]. Marine Environmental Research, 2024, 200: 106629.

Lei Hu, Junzeng Xue, Huixian Wu*. Composition and Distribution of Bacteria, Pathogens, and Antibiotic Resistance Genes at Shanghai Port, China[J]. Water, 2024, 16(18): 2569.

Weifeng Zhou, Jianliang Xiao, Lei Hu, Xinyu Fan, Junzeng Xue, Huixian Wu*. Viral diversity and potential threats in residues and ballast water of ballast tanks at Shanghai port[J]. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2024, 78: 103679.

Chongfeng Liu, Lin Yuan, Jianliang Yao, Huixian Wu, Junzeng Xue*. Mechanisms of intertidal substrate influence on the distribution of two species of Macrophthalminae along the north coast of Hangzhou Bay: adaptation of morphology and burrowing behaviour to substrate compaction (Decapoda: Ocypodoidea)[J]. Marine Biology, 2024, 171(11): 220.

Ningning Chen, Lin Yuan, Huixian Wu, Junzeng Xue*. Climate change's influence on Chelydra serpentina's global and Chinese distribution and invasion: A MaxEnt model-based prediction[J]. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2024, 54: e03137.

Ningning Chen, Yan Liu , Lin Yuan, Huixian Wu, Junzeng Xue*. Adaptive mechanisms of invasion of Chthamalus challengeri (Hoek, 1883) in the trans-oceanic zone of coastal China[J]. Aquatic Invasions, 2024, 19(1): 1-23.

Ling Yuan, Jieyou Xiang, Junzeng Xue, Yangyang Lin, Huixian Wu*. Recommendations for representative sampling methodologies in ballast water: A case study from the land-based test. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 197: 115814.

Jiefeng Jiang, Jinjie Li, Jianwu Chen, Junzeng Xue, Huixian Wu*. Comparison of heavy metal pollution and ecological risk assessment in ballast tank sediments based on two applicable reference standards. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023

Yating Chen, Junzeng Xue, Wei Feng, Jiansen Du, Huixian Wu*. Bloom forming species transported by ballast water under the management of D-1 and D-2 standards——implications for current ballast water regulation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, (194) 115391

Wei Feng, Yating Chen, Tao Zhang, Junzeng Xue, Huixian Wu*. Evaluate the compliance of ballast water management system on various types of operational vessels based on the D-2 standard. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, (194) 115381

Chenyang Duan, Min Yang, Qiong Wang, Junzeng Xue, Lin Yuan, Huixian Wu*. Impacts of salinity stress caused by ballast water discharge on freshwater ecosystems. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2023, (65) 103079

Yating Chen, Qiong Wang, Junzeng Xue, Yifan Yang, Huixian Wu*. Ballast water management systems (BWMS) Type approval: A new application for flow imaging microscopy (FlowCAM). Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2023, (65) 103060

Kairui Dong, Yulin Xu, Qiong Wang, Xiuyan Liu, Junzeng Xue, Huixian Wu*. Study on the effectiveness of membrane separation + N2 deoxidation process for the treatment of bacteria in ballast water. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, (188) 114652

Yating Chen, Qiong Wang, Junzeng Xue, Yifan Yang, Huixian Wu*. Applicability of flow imaging microscopy (FlowCAM) as a ballast water investigation tool. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2023, (60) 102821

Jianwu Chen, Lin Yuan, Yu Zhang, Junzeng Xue, Bo Yang, Huixian Wu*. Risk assessment of trace metal (loid) pollution in surface water of industrial areas along the Huangpu River and Yangtze River Estuary in Shanghai, China. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2023, (57) 102746

Jinjie Li, Tielan Wang, Junzeng Xue*. Toxic effects of disinfection by-products on Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and co-cultured algae community [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 894: 164760.

Jin Jie Li, Ya Xin Yue, Sheng Jie Shi, Jun Zeng Xue*. Investigation on toxicity mechanism of halogenated aromatic disinfection by-products to zebrafish based on molecular docking and QSAR model[J]. Chemosphere, 2023, 341: 139916.

Jianwu Chen, Hui Zhang, Junzeng Xue, Lin Yuan, Wei Yao, Huixian Wu*. Study on spatial distribution, potential sources and ecological risk of heavy metals in the surface water and sediments at Shanghai Port, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, (181) 113923

Hui Zhang, Lin Yuan, Junzeng Xue, Huixian Wu*. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water and sediment from Shanghai port, China:spatial distribution, source apportionment, and potential risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.  https://doi.org/ 10.1007/ s11356-022-22706-5, 2022

Hui Zhang, Junzeng Xue, Qiong Wang, Lin Yuan, Huixian Wu*. Formation of halogenated disinfection by-products during ballast water chlorination. Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology, 2022, 8(3):648-656

Ying Dong, Haoran Zhang, Huixian Wu*, Junzeng Xue, Yanan Liu, Xiaodong Jiang. Invasion risk to Yangtze River Estuary posed by resting eggs in ballast sediments from transoceanic ships. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2021, 545: 1-8

Lei Wang, Qiong Wang, Junzeng Xue, Nanyan Xiao, Baoyi Lv, Huixian Wu*. Effects of holding time on the diversity and composition of potential_pathogenic bacteria in ship ballast water. Marine Environmental Research, 2020, 160

Qiong Wang, Fangping Cheng, Junzeng Xue, Nanyan Xiao, Huixian Wu*. Bacterial community composition and diversity in the ballast water of container ships arriving at Yangshan Port, Shanghai, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020,160, 111640

Junzeng Xue, Jiqiang Yang, Qiong Wang, Richard B. Aronson, Huixian Wu*. Community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates in reclaimed and natural tidal flats of the Yangtze River estuary. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2019,4 :205–213

Wu Huixian, Shen Chen ,Wang Qiong, Richard B. Aronson, Chen Chen , Xue Junzeng. Survivorship characteristics and adaptive mechanism of phytoplankton assemblages in ballast water. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2019, 37(2):580-588

Wu Huixian, Shenchen, Wang Qiong, Richard B. Aronson, Chen Chen, Xue Junzeng. Survivorship Characteristics and Adaptive Mechanisms of Phytoplankton Assemblages in Ballast-Water. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2018, DOI 10.1007/s00343-019-7288-9.

Huixian Wu, Chen Chen, Qiong Wang, Junda Lin, Junzeng Xue. The biological content of ballast water in China: A review. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2017,2(6):241-246

Liu Yan, Xue Junzeng, Lin Junda,Wu Huixian. Invasion and morphological variation of the non-indigenous barnacle Chthamalus challengeri (Hoek, 1883) in Yangshan Port and its surrounding areas.   J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research), 2015 14 (3): 575-583

Ip Kelvin K.L., Liang Yan, Lin Li, Wu Huixian, Xue Junzhen, Qiu Jianwen. Biological control of invasive apple snails by two species of carp: Effects on non-target species matter. Biological Control,2014,71:16–22

Xue Junzeng, Liu Yan, Neil Cumberlidge, Wu Huixian.Changes during late-stage embryonic development from egg-juvenile to free-living hatchling in Chinese freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense (Decapoda, Brachyura, Potamidae). Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2013, 31(03): 542-551,

Xue Junzeng, Liu Yan, Cumberlidge Neil, Wu Huixian*. First report of developmental changes inside the eggs of the Chinese freshwater crab, Sinopotamon yangtsekiense Bott, 1967, (Potamoidea, Potamidae), with comments on its evolutionary significance. Contributions to zoology, 2010, 79 (2):79-84

Wu Huixian, Xue Junzeng, Cumberlidge Neil. An extra embryonic phase in the true freshwater crab Sinopotamon yangtsekiense Bott, 1967 (Decapoda, Potamidae). Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2010, 28(4):725-730





荀政良,袁林,薛俊增,陈冲,陈嘉杰,胡茜靥. 滴水湖浮游植物群落的季节变化. 海洋湖沼通报,2021,43(5):121-126

邱哲文,刘 婧,赵开彬,吴惠仙,薛俊增.长江口北支滩涂贝类放流对潮下带大型底栖动物群落的影响.上海海洋大学学报,2019,28(2):277-282

许自力; 刘亮; 袁林; 吴惠仙; 薛俊增.长江口滩涂电杆礁生态修复区栖息地含水量分析.上海海洋大学学报,2018,28(02):126-132

薛俊增,肖南燕,王琼,吴惠仙. 洋山港海域细菌群落多样性的季节变化. 生态学报,2016,(23):7758-7767

杨吉强,郑珉磊,王琼,薛俊增,吴惠仙. 不同滩涂促淤围垦方式对大型底栖动物群落的影响. 长江流域资源与环境,2016,(09):1358-1367

刘艳,吴惠仙,薛俊增.舟山海域东方小藤壶的入侵与影响分析.水产学报, 2014, 38(7): 40-42

王琼,陈辰,吴惠仙,袁林,边佳胤,庄骅,薛俊增.洋山港浮游桡足类群落的周年变化特征. 海洋科学, 2013, 37(02):61-68



王宝强,薛俊增,庄骅,吴惠仙.洋山港海域大型污损生物生态特点.海洋学报, 2012, 34(3): 155-162

薛俊增,王宝强,庒骅,吴惠仙,朱憬琛,林葳. 洋山港码头污损生物的群落结构和多样性研究. 科技导报, 2011,29(3):66-70

王宝强,薛俊增,庄骅,吴惠仙.洋山港潮间带大型底栖动物群落结构及多样性,生态学报,2011,31(20): 5865-5874

薛俊增,肖利,吴惠仙. 舟山群岛岩相潮间带日本笠藤壶重金属富集及其污染评价. 科技导报,2011,  29(18):23-28



